Thankful To Be

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

I have nothing else to say but Thank You! It's my favourite time of the year and definitely the season when I feel very blessed and thankful about everything that has been happened for the year so far. It's a busy busy year but nevertheless very happy busy. With Ruffles & Bells and the cafe keeping my hubby and I fully occupied, its a year that I have truly grown to know myself and who I want to be. 

It's that one thing that I've learned being in the industry and growing the business - it's to never forget to be thankful. No matter it's the dead days or the happy days, you have to stop for a second, step back, breathe deeply and look at how far you've gone. Remember the people you've met on the way  and remember to give back. Realise that at the end of each day, your heart is overflowing with so much that you just have to share it to the world.  

Having a business is a great way to know yourself better. You'll experience the mood swings and test your strengths and feel the hate and the love that makes this world as amazing as it is. It is just a freakin' amazing door after door of discovery! Whatever you do, no matter how cliche this is, love it! Fall in love with again and again just like a real love relationship. 

So again, this birthday I made sure to shout it to the heavens and whisper a thankful prayer to Him for testing my faith, my husband for being my strength, my family for being my support and critic, my friends for being my inspiration. Thank you to those who have pushed me to the limit, made me scared to say yes, made me make bigger dreams (without knowing it), shown me a bigger world and granted me with a gift that no money can buy. A big hug and kisses to all of you!

Thank you for making this such an awesome year everyone! 

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