Styling: The Before & After - Ruffles & Bells - Wedding and Event Styling Melbourne

Styling: The Before & After

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

There are really some benefits of keeping photos all the time. Aside from being great memories to look back to every now and then, they give you an idea for a new blog post. Yes, I was going through some old photos and found a great before & after that would define what Ruffles & Bells is all about. Call this a throwback, if you might. 

Just a short story before I show you the photos. The venue is in All-View Escape and for me and my hubby that is the most magical place there could be. It is a private property you can rent out for events or holidays and for us, we booked it for our wedding. There are two houses on the property, one bigger than the other. The common practice there was to have the reception outside in a marquee with the view of the lookout to Blue Mountains but I was more interested with the inside, especially the huge lounge area they have. For me, it was a canvass and there's just so much potential. I am forever thankful to the owners who allowed us to move everything around (as long as we put everything back of course) and they were quite surprised with what happened. So this is what happened...(my apologies for the horrible phone capture)...

This is just a sample of what we can do and what we love to do. We will think of the lighting, the flowers, the details, the arrangements, the spacing so you don't have to worry about a thing. 

With that, I am looking forward to creating more before-and-afters for you and for you to look back to.

Styling by Ruffles & Bells.
After photography by Sayher Heffernan.

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